Creating UX to configure faults and metric values as image overlays for core object templates in the Honeywell Forge Onboarding Portal.

Image properties page with the fault named 'Fault 4' emphasized
Image properties page with the fault named 'Fault 4' emphasized
Image properties page with the fault named 'Fault 4' emphasized



The Honeywell Forge Onboarding Portal is a configuration software that supports the ability for customers or setup configurators to build the 'digital twin' of core objects like sites, spaces, and assets. A digital twin's details and real-time data run in the Honeywell Forge front-end applications so customers can best monitor their physical objects and overall operations.

In the front-end applications, there currently isn't a way to visualize faults or metrics on assets or objects in a site. When a technician or engineer is monitoring a piece of equipment, they need to be able to see real-time data for specific parts of the equipment or know exactly where an active fault is occurring.

The live overlays feature allows system configurators to easily map faults and metric values to images of core objects in the Onboarding Portal. The image and its corresponding overlays will run in the front-end applications, and technicians can find metric and fault details quickly.


  • Design user flows for adding, managing, and deleting overlays in a template

  • Consider scalability of the overlay pattern as new overlay types are introduced in the future

  • Revisit the template design of the default image to support editing overlays

  • Ensure Section 508 compliance of designs and interactions


UX UI Designer Lead


  • Figma

  • Miro


  • Figma

  • Miro


Summer 2024


The Onboarding Portal is built for two main users: Honeywell Setup Support and Customer Configurators. Both persona's end-goal is to configure the customer's 'digital twin' of core objects efficiently and accurately, and undergo the same user tasks to accomplish this.

Honeywell Setup Support:

  • "As Setup Support at Honeywell, I need to efficiently configure the customer and create digital twins of their physical core objects so they are set up to use the Honeywell Forge front-end applications."

Customer Configurator:

  • "As a customer configurator, I need to configure the core object modeling for the physical assets, sites, and spaces so the digital twin hierarchy is correct and data is flowing to the front-end applications."

Personas for the Honeywell Setup Support and Customer Configurator
Personas for the Honeywell Setup Support and Customer Configurator
Personas for the Honeywell Setup Support and Customer Configurator


The live overlays feature would include two primary task flows: Add a fault or metric overlay to a template image and manage the overlays of a template image. These task flows are to support customer configurators when they set up images in the Onboarding Portal so the overlays can appear properly in the front-end applications.

  1. Add a fault or metric overlay to a template image

Primary task flow:

  1. Navigate to Asset Object Model —> View templates —> Select (1) template

  2. Select 'Edit' —> Select 'Edit image properties' on the default image

  3. Select 'Add fault' or 'Add metric' —> Fill out form details

  4. Position the overlay on the image —> Select 'Create'

  5. Select 'Back to template'

Task flow diagram for adding a fault or metric overlay to an image
Task flow diagram for adding a fault or metric overlay to an image
Task flow diagram for adding a fault or metric overlay to an image
  1. Manage overlays in a template image

Primary task flow:

  1. Navigate to Asset Object Model —> View templates —> Select (1) template

  2. Select 'Edit' —> Select 'Edit image properties' on the default image

  3. Review the existing overlays —> Select 'Edit' on an incorrect fault or metric

  4. Make updates on the overlay —> Select 'Save'

  5. Select 'Back to template'

Task flow diagram for managing overlays for a template image
Task flow diagram for managing overlays for a template image
Task flow diagram for managing overlays for a template image


Feature requirements

  1. Add fault overlay to the 'default' image of a template

  • Complete a form to assign the fault(s)

  • Select a display type and position the overlay on the image

  • Resize a display to include the full affected area of the fault

  1. Add metric overlay to the 'default' image of a template

  • Complete a form to assign the metric value(s)

  • Position the overlay on the image

  1. Handle the image container

  • Zoom in and out of the default image

  • Filter through created faults and metrics on the image

  1. Edit and delete image overlays

  • Re-open the form for faults or metric to update

  • Delete faults and metrics from an image

  1. Default image placement in template

  • Default image should be distinguished from other attached images in the template

  • Allow editing, deleting, and configuring the image overlays

Wireframe v1 - Modal

A modal to support the overlays would keep the user within the same experience as the template. The user could configure the overlays in the modal to simply close the modal and save the template once they are finished with the remainder of the form.

  • The user would select 'More' to see the option to edit image properties on the template image

  • The image properties modal would appear; the user would select 'Add fault' or 'Add metric'

  • A form would populate the left side of the modal for the user to fill out and save

Wireframe of the asset template
Wireframe of the asset template
Wireframe of the asset template
Wireframe of the Image Properties modal
Wireframe of the Image Properties modal
Wireframe of the Image Properties modal
Wireframe of the Image properties modal with a form for a fault
Wireframe of the Image properties modal with a form for a fault
Wireframe of the Image properties modal with a form for a fault
Wireframe of the image properties with a fault overlay created
Wireframe of the image properties with a fault overlay created
Wireframe of the image properties with a fault overlay created

Mid-fidelity designs:

  • 'Edit image properties' option when editing the asset template image

  • Modal shows image on the right side and the property details on the left side

  • User can position and scale the overlay directly on the image

Mid-fidelity design of the asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a fault created
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a fault created
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a fault created

Wireframe v2 - Full page

A full-page would take the user to a new experience, but could easily navigate back to the template once finished. The full-page would allow the user to focus on the image properties as its own task flow, and they could save overlays one at a time versus all at once, compared to the modal.

  • The user would select 'Properties' on the template to be taken to the full-page

  • The user would select 'Add' to then choose to add a fault or metric

  • The user would fill out the form for the overlay, then select 'Create' to save the overlay

Wireframe of the asset template
Wireframe of the asset template
Wireframe of the asset template
Wireframe of the image propeties on a full page
Wireframe of the image propeties on a full page
Wireframe of the image propeties on a full page
Wireframe of the image properties with a form for a fault overlay
Wireframe of the image properties with a form for a fault overlay
Wireframe of the image properties with a form for a fault overlay
Wireframe of the image properties with a fault overlay created
Wireframe of the image properties with a fault overlay created
Wireframe of the image properties with a fault overlay created

Mid-fidelity designs:

  • User can select 'Properties' on the template image to open the full-page

  • User can select 'Add' to then select fault or metric to fill out the details on the right panel

  • Once the form is complete, the user can select 'Create fault'

Mid-fidelity design of the asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties on a full-page
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties on a full-page
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties on a full-page
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a fault created
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a fault created
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a fault created


After the feature requirements expanded, I realized the user would need to select a metric to attach to the overlay through a modal. Our design system has a guideline that asks to avoid modals on top of modals due to usability issues. Because of this, I decided to move forward with the full-page experience.

Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties on a full-page
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties on a full-page
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with no image properties on a full-page
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault
Mid-fidelity design of the image properties with a form for a fault

New requirements created to create final designs:

  • Allow ability to search the faults and metrics

  • Include explicit 'Add fault' and 'Add metric' buttons to reduce engineering time

  • Allow ability to add multiple fault overlays to the same fault

  • Allow ability to add metric values to the same metric display

  • Use input stepper UI component for zooming in/out of the default image

  • Allow ability to filter between faults and metrics to view image properties


Task flow: Select a default image to access image properties

  1. Without a template image, the user cannot access 'Edit image properties'

  2. Select (1) image from the image library

  3. Select 'Edit image properties' to add live overlays

  4. The empty state appears if there are no image properties

Asset template with no default image attached
Asset template with no default image attached
Asset template with no default image attached
Image library showing one image is selected
Image library showing one image is selected
Image library showing one image is selected
Asset template with an attached default image
Asset template with an attached default image
Asset template with an attached default image
Image properties on a full page with no image properties added
Image properties on a full page with no image properties added
Image properties on a full page with no image properties added

Task flow: Add a fault overlay to the image

  1. After selecting 'Add fault', name the fault display in the form that opens

  2. Select '+Faults' to open the modal, select applicable faults, then select 'Done'

  3. Select '+Display' to add a new display for the fault (if needed), and re-position the display

  4. Select 'Create' to be taken back to the original view

Create a fault form in the overlay settings
Create a fault form in the overlay settings
Create a fault form in the overlay settings
Name the fault overlay and select the overlay type
Name the fault overlay and select the overlay type
Name the fault overlay and select the overlay type
Select faults modal popup to connect faults to the overlay
Select faults modal popup to connect faults to the overlay
Select faults modal popup to connect faults to the overlay
Two selected faults added to the overlay
Two selected faults added to the overlay
Two selected faults added to the overlay

Task flow: Add a metric overlay to the image

  1. Select 'Add metric' under the Display Settings

  2. Name the metric display, and select the '+Metric' button

  3. Select applicable metrics from the modal that appears and select 'Done'

  4. Select 'Create' to be taken back to the original view

Image properties page with no overlays created
Image properties page with no overlays created
Image properties page with no overlays created
A metric display for the image with the form to create the metric overlay
A metric display for the image with the form to create the metric overlay
A metric display for the image with the form to create the metric overlay
Metric selection modal on top of the image properties page
Metric selection modal on top of the image properties page
Metric selection modal on top of the image properties page
The metric overlay form with all needed information
The metric overlay form with all needed information
The metric overlay form with all needed information

Task flow: Edit or delete created overlays

  1. Select the edit icon on fault or metric that needs to be modified

  2. Select 'Delete' in the button group of the overlay

  3. Select 'Yes' on the confirmation modal

  4. The overlay is deleted on the image properties page

Note: For editing, the user would make their edits then select 'Save'.

Image properties page with 5 fault overlays
Image properties page with 5 fault overlays
Image properties page with 5 fault overlays
The fault overlay form in edit mode for the 'Fault 1'
The fault overlay form in edit mode for the 'Fault 1'
The fault overlay form in edit mode for the 'Fault 1'
A deletion confirmation modal on top of the image properties page
A deletion confirmation modal on top of the image properties page
A deletion confirmation modal on top of the image properties page
The image properties page with a deletion snackbar i the bottom-left
The image properties page with a deletion snackbar i the bottom-left
The image properties page with a deletion snackbar i the bottom-left

Task flow: View all created overlays

  1. Select the 'Faults (#)' or 'Metrics (#)' accordion to expand the list

  2. Select the 'Faults' chip in the image panel to filter the fault overlays

  3. Hover over the overlays in the image or the list view to isolate the fault

Note: Either faults or metrics can be shown at a time.

Image properties page with 5 fault and 3 metric overlays
Image properties page with 5 fault and 3 metric overlays
Image properties page with 5 fault and 3 metric overlays
Image properties page with the faults accordion expanded
Image properties page with the faults accordion expanded
Image properties page with the faults accordion expanded
Image properties page with 5 faults filtered on the image
Image properties page with 5 faults filtered on the image
Image properties page with 5 faults filtered on the image
Image properties page with the fault named 'Fault 4' emphasized
Image properties page with the fault named 'Fault 4' emphasized
Image properties page with the fault named 'Fault 4' emphasized


  1. Add a fault overlay to the template's default image

  1. Add a metric overlay to the template's default image

  1. View and manage live overlays of a template's default image



Throughout the design process, I was able to collaborate with both my project manager and engineering teammates to ensure the design of the feature was technically feasible. I was also able to walkthrough my designs with the Forge UI design system team to verify that the feature was aligned with the product guidelines.

Once finished, I handed off the Figma file with the task flows, annotations, and UI components for the engineering team to reference and clarify questions.

Lessons learned

Collaboration was a must for this feature. Because the live overlays were complex, I was fortunate that my engineering teammates were willing to review early designs and give feedback. With regular review sessions, I was able to get questions answered and quick feedback from the team to deliver the designs on time.