Upload and manage images for core object templates in the Honeywell Forge Onboarding Portal.

Image library oor the Honeywell Forge Onboarding Portal
Image library oor the Honeywell Forge Onboarding Portal
Image library oor the Honeywell Forge Onboarding Portal



The Honeywell Forge Onboarding Portal is a configuration software that supports the ability for customers or setup configurators to build the 'digital twin' of core objects like sites, spaces, and assets. A digital twin's details and real-time data run in the Honeywell Forge front-end applications so customers can best monitor their physical objects and overall operations.

Currently, the core object templates do not support image upload or management. Customers gave feedback that they need the ability to better visualize their digital twins in the front-end applications so they can better distinguish core objects and their location in a site.

To address this pain point, this feature allows configurators to select out-of-the-box images, upload custom images, and manage images for core object templates.

Note: This feature will set the foundation for the Live Overlays for images.


  • Design a streamlined access point for users to open the image library

  • Consider user scenarios of uploading, managing, and deleting images in a template (CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete)

  • Allow users to customize the 'default' image for the template

  • Design an experience for users to view images attached to templates at a larger resolution

  • Ensure Section 508 compliance of designs and interactions


UX UI Designer Lead


  • Figma

  • Miro


  • Figma

  • Miro


Winter 2024


The Onboarding Portal is built for two main users: Honeywell Setup Support and Customer Configurators. Both persona's end-goal is to configure the customer's 'digital twin' of core objects efficiently and accurately, and undergo the same user tasks to accomplish this.

Honeywell Setup Support:

  • "As Setup Support at Honeywell, I need to efficiently configure the customer and create digital twins of their physical core objects so they are set up to use the Honeywell Forge front-end applications."

Customer Configurator:

  • "As a customer configurator, I need to configure the core object modeling for the physical assets, sites, and spaces so the digital twin hierarchy is correct and data is flowing to the front-end applications."

Personas for the Honeywell Setup Support and Customer Configurator
Personas for the Honeywell Setup Support and Customer Configurator
Personas for the Honeywell Setup Support and Customer Configurator


The image library feature would include three primary task flows: Upload and add images to a template, manage images in a template, and select 'default' image for a template. Each task flow would ensure the core object template includes the correct images to appear in the front end application.

  1. Upload images to the library + Add images to template

Primary task flow:

  1. Navigate to Asset Object Model —> View templates —> Select 'Create'

  2. Fill out template —> Select 'Browse library' for images

  3. Upload images into library

  4. Select images for template (max of 5) —> Select 'Done'

  5. Create Asset template

Task flow diagram for uploading and adding images to a template
Task flow diagram for uploading and adding images to a template
Task flow diagram for uploading and adding images to a template
  1. Manage images in a template

Primary task flow:

  1. Navigate to Asset Object Model —> View templates

  2. Select template to view —> Select 'Edit' on template

  3. Select 'Browse library' —> Unselect incorrect images

  4. Search for correct images —> Select correct images

  5. Select 'Done' on library —> Save Asset template

Task flow diagram for managing images in a template
Task flow diagram for managing images in a template
Task flow diagram for managing images in a template
  1. Select 'default' image for a template

Primary task flow:

Note: 'Default' image is the primary image shown for the template

  1. Navigate to Asset Object Model —> View templates

  2. Select template to view —> Review default image

  3. Select 'Edit' on template —> Open images in lightbox

  4. Close the lightbox —> Select the correct default image

  5. Save Asset template

Task flow diagram for selecting default image for a template
Task flow diagram for selecting default image for a template
Task flow diagram for selecting default image for a template


Feature requirements

  1. Access an image library in a modal* to review and upload images in 3 tabs:

  • All images (user-uploaded and Honeywell-owned)

  • Honeywell images (out-of-the-box)

  • Your images (customer-uploaded)

  • *Note: A modal was decided to be used to keep users in the same context of the template, but the library would need to remain simple enough to not require being on a separate page.

  1. Manage images in the library and templates

  • Add images to a template

  • Remove images from a template

  • Delete customer-owned images from the library

  1. Search, sort, and filter images in the library

  1. Handle errors when uploading images in the library

  • Duplicate names, large file sizes, malware, or when the network is down

  1. Preview images in the image lightbox

  • Review images at a larger resolution

  • Delete and download images from the lightbox view

Wireframe v1 - Vertical tabs

Vertical tabs provide a local navigation feel, and separate the different types of images housed in the library, including Honeywell out-of-the-box and user-uploaded images.

  • The user would select 'Browse library' from the template page

  • Image library modal would appear in center with vertical tabs left-aligned

  • 'Upload images' button would be left-aligned and below the tabs

Wireframe of the Asset template page in the onboarding portal
Wireframe of the Asset template page in the onboarding portal
Wireframe of the Asset template page in the onboarding portal
Wireframe of the image library modal with vertical tabs
Wireframe of the image library modal with vertical tabs
Wireframe of the image library modal with vertical tabs

Mid-fidelity designs:

  • Vertical tabs are left-aligned with the images on the right

  • Search, sort, and filter options appear above the tabs & images

  • Users can directly upload images into the image section of the modal

Mid-fidelity design of the Asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the Asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the Asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with vertical tabs
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with vertical tabs
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with vertical tabs

Wireframe v2 - Horizontal tabs

Horizontal tabs would act the same as the vertical tabs, but changes the layout of the modal's content.

  • The user would select 'Browse library' from the template page

  • Image library modal would appear in center with horizontal tabs across the top, below the header

  • 'Upload images' button would be placed in the footer as a secondary action

Wireframe of the Asset template page in the onboarding portal
Wireframe of the Asset template page in the onboarding portal
Wireframe of the Asset template page in the onboarding portal
Wireframe of the image library modal with horizontal tabs
Wireframe of the image library modal with horizontal tabs
Wireframe of the image library modal with horizontal tabs

Mid-fidelity designs:

  • Horizontal tabs appear below the header & above the images

  • 'Images shown' indication + 'Upload images' button

  • Each image contains a checkbox & file name with the image container

Mid-fidelity design of the Asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the Asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the Asset template
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs


Horizontal tabs was chosen to continue iterating on due to its consistency with other modal designs in Honeywell Forge, and the ability to add more images in view at a time.

Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs and an empty state
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs and an empty state
Mid-fidelity design of the image library with horizontal tabs and an empty state

Other tech constraints made known to consider in final designs:

  • 'Filter by' was out of scope and removed for MVO of this feature

  • The entire modal cannot be a 'drag and drop'; must have explicit 'Upload' tab

  • Pagination will improve load-performance of images compared to lazy load

  • Search functionality can only be localized to the tab the user in on in the library


Task flow: Upload images to the library

  1. Select 'Browse library' button from the Template image input

  2. On 'Upload' tab, select or drag and drop images into the library

  3. Wait until all images have been scanned for malware and uploaded

  4. Go to 'All images' tab to view newly uploaded images

Final design for he Asset template page
Final design for he Asset template page
Final design for he Asset template page
Final design for the upload images tab in the image library
Final design for the upload images tab in the image library
Final design for the upload images tab in the image library
Final design for uploading images to the image library
Final design for uploading images to the image library
Final design for uploading images to the image library
Final design for viewing newly uploaded images in the library
Final design for viewing newly uploaded images in the library
Final design for viewing newly uploaded images in the library

Task flow: Add images to a template

  1. Select 'Browse library' button from the Template image input

  2. Navigate to the 'All images' tab from the 'Upload' tab

  3. Select images with their corresponding checkboxes to add to the template

  4. Select 'Add' to populate the images to the template

Final design for he Asset template page
Final design for he Asset template page
Final design for he Asset template page
Final design for the all images tab in the image library
Final design for the all images tab in the image library
Final design for the all images tab in the image library
Final design for selecting images to the image library
Final design for selecting images to the image library
Final design for selecting images to the image library
Final design for asset template with added images
Final design for asset template with added images
Final design for asset template with added images

Task flow: Manage images in a template

  1. Select 'Browse library' button from the Template image input (5 images already selected)

  2. Navigate to the 'All images' tab (Banner indicating the max limit of images is reached)

  3. Unselect images to be able to select new images

  4. Select 'Add' to update the template

Note: Users can also remove attached images in the template using the trash icon button.

Final design for he Asset template page with 5 images attached
Final design for he Asset template page with 5 images attached
Final design for he Asset template page with 5 images attached
Final design for the all images tab with 5 images selected
Final design for the all images tab with 5 images selected
Final design for the all images tab with 5 images selected
Final design for unselecting images in the image library
Final design for unselecting images in the image library
Final design for unselecting images in the image library
Final design for asset template with new images
Final design for asset template with new images
Final design for asset template with new images

Task flow: Select 'default' image for template

  1. On the template, view which image is labelled as 'Default'

  2. If incorrect, select the radio button of the correct default image

Note: By default, the default image is the first image added to the template.

Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a new default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a new default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a new default image selected

Task flow: View images in the lightbox

  1. On the template, select one of the images attached

  2. The image lightbox appears in the center of the screen

  3. Select the arrows or images at the bottom to navigate between images

  4. Select the background or close icon button to close the lightbox

Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a new default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a new default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a new default image selected
Final design for image lightbox with the third of three images enlarged
Final design for image lightbox with the third of three images enlarged
Final design for image lightbox with the third of three images enlarged
Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected
Final design for he Asset template page with a default image selected

Task flow: Delete image from the library

  1. Select the trash icon button for the image that needs to be deleted

  2. Select 'Delete' to confirm the image deletion

  3. Wait for the image deletion to process

  4. The image is deleted from the image library

Note: Users can only delete their uploaded images; not Honeywell out-of-the-box images.

Final design of image library with the trash icon hover on for an image
Final design of image library with the trash icon hover on for an image
Final design of image library with the trash icon hover on for an image
Final design for the image library with a 'Are you sure' message for deleting an image
Final design for the image library with a 'Are you sure' message for deleting an image
Final design for the image library with a 'Are you sure' message for deleting an image
Final design for image library with the image deletion processing
Final design for image library with the image deletion processing
Final design for image library with the image deletion processing
Final design for the image library with the image deleted
Final design for the image library with the image deleted
Final design for the image library with the image deleted


  1. Upload images to the image library in the template.

  1. Manage images attached to the template.



After finalizing the designs and received stakeholder-approval, I walked the engineers through the task flows and interactions, then handed off the designs.

This feature allows customers to further customize their digital twins in the configuration portal to automatically run in their front-end applications. This supports a better experience to understand what assets have issues and why.

Lessons learned

This was the first feature I designed for the Honeywell Forge Onboarding Portal, so I had to ensure the patterns and interactions were consistent with what already existed in the product. I was able to collaborate and get feedback from product management and tech architecture quickly to help me iterate on the best UX for users and engineering feasibility.

Additionally, there was no image handling pattern I could use from the internal design system, so I was given the ability to iterate and present a UI pattern for images for the design system team to align with. This was a fun exercise to do to match UI components with an equivalent to imagery.